Craft Beer Schliersee

Craft Beer

Craft Beer Brewery Schliersee

Welcome to what is probably the smallest brewery in Bavaria. We are located in the heart of Schliersee with our show brewery and beer store.

In addition to our classic "Berghell", which we have brewed externally due to high demand, we brew many other Bavarian classics and seasonal beer specialties on site.

These are hand-brewed beers with a lot of real handwork and only selected ingredients. Our locally brewed beer is untreated, meaning not filtered, heated or colored.

Part of our philosophy is also the free view into the brewery. During our opening hours you will almost always meet Gregor, the owner of the Schlierseer Kindl brewery, or Robert, who as a trained beer sommelier is also responsible at the brewing kettle. 

Opening hours:

Fridays 15:00-18:45 h

Saturday: see calendar

Braukurs München: Perfektioniere deine Braufertigkeiten mit Schlierseer Kindl Bier! Unvergessliches Brauseminar in München erwartet dich – Jetzt buchen!

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